Sandy Slater, PhD
Research Associate Professor, Health Policy and Administration Division, School of Public Health, University of Illinois at Chicago
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Sandy Slater is Research Associate Professor in the Health Policy and Administration Division at the UIC School of Public Health. Dr. Slater has been working on research in the Health Policy Center at the UIC Institute for Health Research and Policy, especially the Bridging the Gap project, since 1997. As a result, she is recognized as an IHRP Fellow. Her research interests focus on community-level studies designed to examine and reduce modifiable risk factors such as physical inactivity, obesity, tobacco use and substance abuse in minority and underserved populations. Dr. Slater served on the Institute of Medicine Committee on Physical Activity and Physical Education in the School Environment that wrote the consensus report, “Educating the Student Body: Taking Physical Activity and Physical Education to School.” She earned her PhD from the UIC School of Public Health in 2005 and was one of the first in the country to earn a K99/ROO grant, the Pathway to Independence Award, from the National Institutes of Health.